On May 6th there is an election to elect three directors to the Borad fo the Northern Larimer County Health District. It is important to request an absentee ballot here, as you will not be sent one automatically.
Health District work & strategic plan:
- 2025 Strategic Plan
- Mental Health and Substance Use Alliance Strategic Plan (ENG) (SPAN)
- Changing Minds behavioral health stigma reduction campaign
Here are some resources for this Election:
- Election Website
- Special district election timing in state law: Pursuant to C.R.S. ยง 32-1-103(17), a “regular special district election” is the election on the Tuesday succeeding the first Monday of May in every odd-numbered year. Under current law, special districts cannot coordinate their regular elections (i.e., Board member elections) to be held on Tuesdays in November along with other elections.
Thanks to the Health District for providing this information.